Our usual Thursday Zoom Happy Hour will not meet because we will attend this free, important event from FAU. Register here: https://fau-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtdeGurD8oGdH4C-gNFOzrNlj1Ogb8ZvRP
PBC Municipal Candidate Forum: West Palm Beach and Delray Beach
PBC NOW Shifting the Paradigm: The Importance of Black Newspapers
PBC NOW February Zoom Board Meeting
PBC NOW Board Meeting By Zoom–contact us for link. Please join us! All members welcome.
Outstanding Feminist of the Year Award of 2020 + 2021: PBC Commissioners Melissa McKinlay and Maria Sachs
The awards will be presented at the County Commissioners. It can be viewed on the county site at https://discover.pbcgov.org/Pages/CH20Live.aspx PBC NOW board member Michelle Damone […]
PBC NOW Racial Wealth Gap Learning Simulation
Why does poverty impact people of color disproportionately in our nation? As awareness of the realities of racism in our nation grows, Bread for the […]