Media Statement the National Organization for Women:
PHOENIX, Ariz. – White House Senior Adviser Stephen Miller, a key architect of President Trump’s inhumane immigration policies, is making headlines as leaked emails show he allegedly circulated material linked to white nationalism. This is the man who has promoted some of Trump’s most hard-line actions, including locking away immigrant women and girls in inhumane and immoral detention facilities in Arizona and around the nation.
Those fleeing to the U.S. are often seeking refuge from sexual violence, assault and poverty and they deserve a fair and humane immigration process. If they are to be held in these prisons, at a minimum, we have an obligation to give them access to vital human needs such as reproductive health care, feminine hygiene products and mental health care, among other provisions. They must also be free from physical and sexual abuse, strip searches by guards, invasive personal and intimate questioning and tracking of their periods by U.S. government officials.
This is why the National Organization for Women (NOW) and RAICES, in collaboration with our coalition partners listed below, are hosting an “Unlock the Future” campaign rally in Phoenix.
Who: Joining NOW President Toni Van Pelt will be:
- State Senator Victoria Steele, Representative for the 9th District of Arizona
- Erika Andiola, Chief of Advocacy, RAICES
- Imelda Omega, Latin Therapists Action Network
- Alejandra Pablos, Reproductive Justice Activist, Immigration Detention Survivor; and
- Additional Speakers to be Announced
What: “Unlock the Future” Rally to demand humane treatment for the women and girls held in immoral immigration prisons.
Where: Rose Garden by the Arizona State Capitol, 1700 W. Washington St., Phoenix, Ariz. 85007
When: Sunday, Dec. 8th, 2019; 12:00pm Mountain.
More information: Visit our website, sign our Bill of Rights,see our hashtag #Unlock the Future and RSVP for the rally at our Facebook Event Page.
For a list of Unlock the Future Co-Sponsors please click here.
Kimberly Hayes, Press Secretary,, 202-570-4745
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