Reproductive Rights Supporters Mobilize to the State Capitol on Wednesday, January 12 POSTPONED
On January 10, the Florida Legislature will convene for the 2022 Legislative Session. Our need to defend reproductive freedom is a sure thing. We will rally on February 22nd since January 12 was cancelled due to Covid. Florida NOW will join the Floridians for Reproductive Freedom coalition, along with advocates from all over the state, who will converge on the Florida Capitol to defend abortion rights and access.
As some anti-abortion legislators prepare to elevate misinformation and bad policy, we are preparing a unifying story grounded in the freedom to determine what’s best for our bodies, our families, and our communities.
We will demand the ability to make the decisions to have or not have children and to raise them safely. Reproductive freedom is our fight for education, immigration, freedom from violence, the environment, affordable homes, and the full scope of reproductive care – including abortion. No Forced Pregnancy.
Please join Florida NOW in the mobilization to Tallahassee on February 22, 2022. Floridians for Reproductive Freedom (FRF), a coalition representing tens of thousands of Floridians, is planning actions throughout the day, sure to include a press conference, a speakout, and legislator visits.
There will be press conference in Tally on Reproductive Rights Jan 12 with 20 to 50 people.
Registration information will follow.