Statement from NOW President Toni Van Pelt:
WASHINGTON, D.C. — NOW members have been working tirelessly for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) for decades—generations even. Some NOW members who marched for the ERA in the 1970s are being joined by their daughters and granddaughters at rallies and grassroots actions today.
On Thursday, February 13, the House of Representatives will vote on a resolution to remove the arbitrary timeline that was placed in the preamble to the Equal Rights Amendment. Because it’s not actually in the text of the ERA, we believe, along with many top Constitutional law scholars, that it’s not binding.
But Donald Trump, William Barr and Mitch McConnell will use every excuse they can find to block the ERA. A strong bipartisan vote in the House is the best way to take them on as we enter the final stretch to constitutional equality for women and gender minorities.
We’re calling on NOW members to tell their representatives in Congress to stand up for the ERA and vote to remove the arbitrary timeline. This measure deserves bipartisan support—so it’s especially important to let Republican members know where you stand.
Congress must remove the arbitrary timeline and reaffirm its commitment to the ERA. A democracy that fails to include women in its founding document is a failed democracy.
, , 202-570-4745
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