Abortion Resources
Learn more about abortion pills by mail at Plancpills.org
Find your local abortion fund at Abortionfunds.org
Discuss your abortion options with a private AI chatbot at Chatbotcharley.org/florida
View your in-clinic abortion options at Abortionfinder.org
Emergency Contraceptives and Birth Control Resources
Community networks offer free emergency contraceptives, so don’t hesitate to reach out to them!
Free back-up Emergency Contraceptives by mail + general education :
Justice Advocacy Network & Florida Access Network: Community Boxes
Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Resources
We have partnered with End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) to provide Florida survivors of sexual assault with an online reporting option using their trauma-informed and self-guided Seek Then Speak tool. To learn more about this tool, check out our Seek Then Speak page.
To report a sexual assault online
Florida Council Againt Sexual Assault
Resources and support for survivors of domestic violence:
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Women of color face higher rates of domestic violence. We must not discuss these higher rates of violence separately or as a footnote but rather as an integral part of conversations on combating domestic violence. When I call out the layered prejudices that occur because of the multiple identities we all carry, I do not intend to divide but rather to strengthen our unified calls for equity and justice. The brutal truth is that systemic racism directly impacts the higher levels of violence women of color face and their ability to access resources meant to aid them.” National Organization for Women President Christian F. Nunes
Resources for survivors of domestic violence from communities of color:
Ujima: The National Center on Violence Against Women in the Black Community provides support to and for the Black community in response to domestic, sexual, and community violence.
The National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center, Inc. (NIWRC) is a Native-led nonprofit organization that works to end violence against Native women and children.
The Tahirih Justice Center serves survivors of gender-based violence who face incredible obstacles to justice, including language barriers, lack of resources, and a complex immigration system.
The Asian Women’s Shelter addresses the cultural and language needs of immigrant, refugee, and U.S.-born Asian women and their children in their overall mission of ending domestic violence.
LGBTQ+ Resources
Gender-Affirming Care
A list of resources is available at www.linktr.ee/GACFL.
Family Court: Families Against Court Trageties (FACTs)
To request a CourtWatcher on your hearing or to be registered in our system for future hearings, you’ll need to complete one or more of these forms:
1. FACTS New Litigant Form — This is for litigants needing help. Again, you will only need to fill this out once.
2. Courtwatch Request Form — Anytime you’d like us to attend a hearing, you will need to fill this out.
National Women’s Political Clause