Statement by the National Organization for Women and the National Domestic Workers Alliance
WASHINGTON, D.C.— In 2019, 91.5 percent of all domestic workers in the United States were women, and 57.1 percent were people of color. Now the Coronavirus is decimating the livelihoods of many domestic employees as their employers close off their homes, and those who are still employed are risking their safety to keep working. A high number of domestic workers are also undocumented immigrants, so despite paying taxes, they will not receive unemployment benefits or stimulus checks from the recently passed $2 billion economic relief package.
These populations need our support more than ever, so the National Organization for Women is partnering with the National Domestic Workers Alliance’s (NDWA) Coronavirus Care Fund to rush emergency relief for domestic workers during this crisis.

NOW is donating a portion of all gifts over $25 to help provide critical support to domestic workers across the United States, who play a vitally essential role on the front lines caring for the elderly, those with chronic illnesses and children of other health essential personnel. Many domestic workers are now facing unemployment, and, as low-wage workers, will be hit doubly hard by this crisis.
“NDWA’s Coronavirus Care Fund provides much needed relief for domestic workers who are struggling each and every day, alone and unprotected during this pandemic,” said NOW President Toni Van Pelt. “As a grassroots organization, we realize the importance of the work they are doing on the ground and are proud to partner with NDWA in this campaign.”
“We are delighted to partner with NOW to direct donations to the people who care for us and our families. Right now, many domestic workers are being forced to choose between putting food on the table or risking their health during this pandemic. Donations to the Coronavirus Care Fund will provide emergency assistance to nannies, house cleaners, and home care workers who need immediate help, giving them the stability they need to stay home and be a part of the solution to this crisis,” said Ai-jen Poo, executive director of NDWA.
The NDWA Coronavirus Care Fund reduces the burden on domestic workers to sustain themselves and their families through these difficult times. These workers play a critical role in homes across the nation, and we must ensure that they receive the same support as other Americans.
You can learn more about the fund here.
Kimberly Hayes, Press Secretary ,
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