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WASHINGTON, D.C.— Today, NOW recognizes Mom’s Equal Pay Day and acknowledges the enormous wage disparities between mothers and fathers in our nation. Especially in the present moment, sex-based pay discrimination prevents mothers from receiving equal pay for equal work and makes the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic even more devastating.
We know that in 2019, on average, mothers were paid 70 cents to every dollar fathers were paid. This gap is even larger for Black, Latina, and Native American mothers when compared to White, non-Hispanic fathers, as seen by these nation-wide averages. For every one-dollar white fathers are paid:
- Asian American and Pacific Islander mothers are paid 89 cents.
- White mothers are paid 69 cents.
- Black mothers are paid 50 cents.
- Native American mothers are paid 47 cents.
- Latina mothers are paid 45 cents.
These disparities are wide-spread and are even greater in some states and occupations. For mothers of all races working as cashiers or retail salespeople in grocery stores, they are paid on average 28 cents less than fathers in those same occupations.
NOW is a fierce supporter of the Paycheck Fairness Act, and other policies like paid leave, affordable childcare and healthcare, and family leave. On Mom’s Equal Pay Day, we reaffirm our commitment to advocating for these initiatives which would ease the financial burdens on mothers and women in this country.
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