National Organization for Women
Our Zoom conference will be held on December 4th (Saturday, starting at 12 noon EST) and December 5th (Sunday, starting at 2:00 pm EST).
Saturday morning’s plenary session will open with a welcome by Christian Nunez, President of National NOW, followed by elections and reports on Florida NOW activities. We will have a moment of silence to honor departed members and the losses experienced by our members.
Our two Saturday workshops will include: (1) a Call To Action, Tally Version, headed by our Lobbyist, Barbara DeVane, and our Repo Rights Task Force Chair, Amy Hamric Weintraub; and (2) an informative Chapters Back In Action program headed by Membership Chair Kathy Mayo to help our members prepare for chapter actions and meetings as we emerge from the era of Zoom meetings.
There will be a 15 minute break between workshops. If resolutions are produced at the workshops, we will meet at 4:15 pm EST for a plenary session to vote workshop resolutions up or down.
Our optional traditional NOW Saturday night entertainment session, will start at 7:00 pm EST — a film on voting rights and voter protection from Brave New Films, followed by commentary and member discussion lead by a civil rights expert.
Sunday afternoon at 2:00 pm EST, we will have a joint discussion by the leaders of our task forces on the ERA / Constitutional Equality, Racial Justice, Violence Against Women, joined by our Caucuses for our At-Large, Young Feminist / College, and LGBTQ+ members. Immediately thereafter, our closing plenary will follow, with an opportunity to vote on any pending Resolutions from our workshops.
We hope to have closed captioning and the involvement not only of our National NOW President, but also of our National NOW Vice-President and our Southern District Regional Representatives.
WE ASK FOR A MODEST VOLUNTARY DONATION IF YOU ATTEND – we will not ask you to buy a gift basket nor raffle tickets nor merchandise – this conference truly is free for NOW members. You can donate on line at the registration link or send in a check.
CHAPTERS are asked to donate $100 or more, in recognition that they are not asked to send gift baskets nor pay for conference journal ads nor donate auction items. That is a really good deal for each of our chapters and some have sent checks already!
TO MAIL A CHECK TO FLORIDA NOW, make it payable to Florida NOW and mail it to Florida NOW c/o West Volusia NOW, PO BOX 1133, Deland, FL 32721.
Finally, in sisterhood and ally-ship, Florida NOW will do its best to deliver another rewarding and informative conference. Please join us!
Please send conference-related communications to our Florida NOW Conference Coordinators at