NO to VAWA cuts, NO to Sessions as Attorney General!
Action Alert: Trump is recommending budget cuts to the Violence Against Women Act VAWA.
Please contact your Members of Congress:
Your message: Protect VAWA and oppose ANY attempts to eliminate VAWA grant programs!
Gender-based violence is not a partisan issue. Many Republicans have supported VAWA over the years.
Since VAWA’s passage in 1994, gender-based violence has decreased by almost two-thirds! VAWA grants are vital to the health and wellbeing of victims and survivors of domestic violence & sexual assault.
**Please continue to tell Senators Durbin & Duckworth to OPPOSE Senator Jeff Sessions’ confirmation as Attorney General. His legislative and prosecutorial history disqualify him from the position of the nation’s top law enforcement officer and victim advocate! PLUS HE OPPOSED VAWA REAUTHORIZATION IN 2013.**
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